Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Give Me Liberty...

I love Frank Cho. While he is known for drawing beautiful women, which he does very well, I think he is one of the soundest storytellers in comics today. With my new mindset of trying to find Indy work of guys I enjoy, in the main stream I went out and got Liberty Meadows Vol. 1.

Now I have to say, I found this hard to read at first. Reading a comic strip, which was originally published once a day in newspaper as one long story, is kind of hard. Every four panels you have a quick recap. It takes a different mindset to get into it and that was something I hadn’t thought of when I got the book. So that’s just a little warning.

At first I have to admit I wasn't blown away. It was cute and amusing, nothing amazing but somewhere along the line I got emotionally hooked to the characters. There is a storyline where one of the animals leaves the sanctuary and I just felt sorry for his friend. Getting someone attached to characters in 4 panel stories a very hard thing to do.

I still need to check out the other volumes but I think it’s got me hooked; I want to see these characters lives move on and see their little, cute jokes. It’s not an amazing piece of literature; it’s just a good piece of escapism that is accessible to pretty much anyone. It’s not just for the comic fan, although I’d imagine the people buying it are hardcore fans as those are who buy Indy comics regularly. Give it a shot.


Anonymous said...

Liberty Meadows started out as University squared (as in a flying #2)- you might like to track down the trade that collects that at some point

LM is a fun book that I'm quite partial to. Is it still publishing? I dropped it in the mid-30s because while it was fun and all it was never essential reading

Crimbo said...

Venus, do you know where I could track down that book? I couldn't find it when I searched for it.

Yeah it's still running but hasn't had an issue out since last year. Cho is going to finish it off though.

You should check out the trades on you can get them for about £6 each which is a great price.