Saturday, 13 October 2007

I love Judd

News just in, Judd Winick is amazing!

I spoke a few weeks ago about how much I enjoyed the Black Canary and Green Arrow Wedding Special. On the strength of this one shot I asked my comic shop to pull their new ongoing.

Of course, I’ve done this a few times. I get a taste of a character or a writer and when I follow them to their next project it turns out it was a fluke. I am happy to say this wasn’t the case at all.

I loved this issue and first thing Monday I’m getting an ongoing subscription for this book.

It could just be Judd Winick has a great handle on this character but reading these two issues I’ve fallen in love with the character. I said that before but it’s an incredible skill he has. I can’t think of any other writer currently working who can make me love a character so fast. I might like them and grow to like them, but to be hooked in a matter of pages is amazing.

The pace of the book is also incredibly fast too. If you are one of those comic readers who complains about decompression then get this. The cliff-hanger from the Wedding Special (Black Canary stabbing Green Arrow, who had just tried to kill her, through the neck) is answered straight away. That takes guts, that cliff-hanger launched the series and really could have been stretched out for months.

I googled Judd’s bio just to see his background and previous work and it’s safe to say that he is by far the most talented person to come out of any reality show, in any country… ever. Although let’s face it the competition isn’t that fierce.


Anonymous said...

register your blog in

Anonymous said...

Judd Winick's comics output is iffy to my mind, but Pedro and Me was excellent