Tuesday 21 August 2007

Three Month Wait

I know it was just days ago I complained that everything is always spoiled 3 months in advance but I’ll admit I still look at the solicitations released from publishers. I need to in order to preorder my comics and receive a 25% discount. So yeah, that's my fault but it's a necessary evil if I'm going to get the most bang out of my buck. Do be warned though, if you don't read solicitations then this column might spoil the premise and plots of upcoming books.

Anyway, I plane to a run down of the titles I'm most excited for every month. So welcome to the first regular column on this blog "Three Month Wait".

We begin with the November 2007 solicitations. We’re out of the Marvel cross over event World War Hulk and while sometimes this is a quiet period, this year it seems we are jumping straight into the next event, the Skrull Invasion. DC on the other hand is busy counting down to Final Crisis with a series and many tie-ins’ no one really seems to care that much about.

Without further ado, here are the comics I really can’t wait three months for!

5. Robin #168, Nightwing #138, Detective Comics #838 and Batman #671

That's right, one pick in and I'm already cheating by listing four comics as one. While DC are hyping Final Crisis to be their next big crossover they don't seem mind having lots of mini crossovers in the meantime. With Countdown I'm skipping all the tie-ins’ I don't care about (That being 95% of them) and the other crossovers between titles I'm just ignoring altogether. However with the Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul I am making an exception. The reason I'm making this exception is because Robin is easily one of my favourite DC characters, if not my favourite (I'll leave defining that list for a future blog) and I love the Batman family almost as much.

4. Heroes Hardcover

Yes, I've read all of the chapters before but still I think they were well written and the art was great. I'm a big fan of the show so I'll be getting this for sure. I think the online comic tie-ins were great and gave people an extra insight into the show and its’ characters. I'd like to believe this will bring new people into the comic store but with them being free on the Internet, I doubt it.

3. Illumanti #5

As I've made clear I am very interested into the Skrull Invasion, especially the part with the heroes mistrusting of each other. I also enjoy the Illuminati even if they apparently haven't done anything of use, ever. This issue promises to reveal a member or members of the group as Skrulls. I can't wait to see whom!

2. Angel: After The Fall #1

Let's get this out here, as it's a good a place as any. I love Joss Whedon. I'll admit I got into the game late when it comes to his work but I will never leave his world now. He has me in his grasp and he can do with me what he wishes. The only reason the follow up to Angel Season 5 isn't #1 is because of the hefty $3.99 IDW price tag. I still can't justify paying a $1 more for better paper quality, especially when the last 4 or 6 pages are adverts for their other books. Still I can't wait; Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 has been excellent.

1. Amazing Spider-Man #545 and Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 9

Yup, I'm cheating again. There is a reason though. As we know very little about #545 apart from rumours and speculations, all I can say I am interested in is the apparent fallout, which leads to the thrice a month Spidey book. It's not enough to give it the full #1 spot. Hopefully I’ll enjoy the first three parts but I won’t know until I get them in my hands.

Marvel Masterworks Spider-Man Vol. 9 is here because I love the classic Spider-Man stuff with Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and John Romita. If I'm honest, I prefer it more then the legendary Fantastic Four run from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. I've been waiting for this a long time. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

So that's it for this run down of my top picks from the November Solicitations. We'll see in 3 months if I've picked wrong and end up disappointed.


Chase said...

The last issue of Illuminati was hilarious fun.


I fuckin' love Namor. He may be abrasive, but he's honest, and most genuine.

Crimbo said...

I love Namor. He really seems to have hit his stride. I can't remember the last time he was this interesting.