Friday 17 August 2007

Welcome to my blog!

I really don't know how to open this up. One side of me is excited at the prospect of discussing my views and opinions on the latest comic news and releases... but the other, slightly bitter side is berating myself for opening a blog.

Blogging is something I never really understood or cared for. I vowed I would never open a blog yet here I am with my tail between my legs.

I've followed the trend and now the only thing to separate me from the Internet pack is that I don't own a MySpace or any other online community account. Let's see how long that lasts.

So what is Comic Saga?

Well, the title is little more then a nod to the trend to add “Saga” to any big comic event. Dark Phoenix Saga, Clone Saga, the dropped Dark Wolverine Saga.

The point? Well it inflates my ego. It also allows me to show my points and opinions about comic books past and present to the world on their very own website.

I hope anyone visiting enjoys the site and posts their thoughts on the topics as well. I welcome any and all conversation; I wouldn’t have started this blog if it didn’t allow for people to give their side.

I do have to add that as a university student any time work crops up this will have to take a backseat but I'm pretty good at managing my time. I also get my comic books shipped to me every 2 weeks, so some weeks may be slower then others.

So, let’s see how it goes.

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