The Stan Lee and Jack Kirby run is legendary and changed comics forever. Don't try to argue that, it's fact. The old style of comics from the 60's may not be everyone's cup of tea, which I understand, but you have to respect what they did.
If you ask most people who had the honour of reading this run, they usually cite issue 30 as when the team really clicked and their creativity just exploded. I want to argue about this.
I assume people normally sum up runs as whole numbers as it's easier to remember then say 29 or 31. So I understand why everyone says this is when they really "got" the characters but I want to make it clear I think that point should be five issues earlier.
Fantastic Four #25-26 are amazing comics! It's a two part story which for the most part is Thing getting his ass kicked by the Hulk but he keeps getting back up, even if he knows he could die doing it.
This is when Ben Grimm clicked. For the first 15 issues or so the Thing was a hardass and was always complaining. For the next 10 or so the Fantastic Four kept saying they loved him but the audience had no real reason to... every other issue he was starting fights and threatening to either take over the team or quit.
This story kicked off a feud that every writer seems to want to write at least once, Hulk vs. Thing.
This was just good comics. Really, if you get the chance pick it up. The Fantastic Four Omnibus is a great read if you can get over the high price tag.
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