It’s time for me to peek at the solicitations for December 2007 as say what I am most excited to get after another three month wait.

5. Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 1
I’m a big Indiana Jones fan but of course let’s be honest… who isn’t? Most people have seen an Indy film and enjoyed it but I’m sure there are many of those people who never read any of the Indiana Jones comics. I’ll be taking this opportunity to read "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis," "Thunder in the Orient," and "Indiana Jones and the Arms of Gold" for the first time.
4. Booster Gold #5
This comic is good. I’ll admit I do get a bit confused when they go off on long explanations of time travel in the DC verse but for the most part this is introducing me to key points in the DC universe. I’m not a big DC reader so I’m finding this a valuable learning experience, which is fun at the same time.

3. Avengers: The Initiative #8
This book sort of snuck up on me. #1 was ok and then they off’d my favourite character in it. I figured I’d give Slott a chance as I love his work and somewhere in the space of 4 or 5 issues it’s become a book I can’t imagine Marvel without. It’s key book in the post Civil War World and just gives you a look at everything in the Marvel Universe. It’s great. This issue promises new recruits and old ones graduating so it should be a key point. Also, looks like there is an Irremediable Giant-Man.
2. Captain America #33
The book promises Iron Man and Bucky. The book promises a shocking ending. The book is reading by Ed Brubaker. So yeah, we are getting all of that and so much more. It’s perhaps the most solid solo book out right now and has been for three years.
1. Amazing Spider-Man #546-547
This is it! Spider-Man goes thrice weekly with Slott at the helm of the first arc. Even if I’m a little nervous about the fallout of Brand New Day it’s hard to argue this is isn’t an exciting time to be a Spider-Man reader.
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