So I got New Avengers #34 today and it turns out I was wrong. They didn't share their pasts; they showed how they see themselves... I liked mine better although I guess it would rule out the "Embarrassing History" jokes Bendis loves to do.
Now I’m assuming all this “There is a Skrull on the team” stuff is going somewhere and isn’t just setting up the atmosphere of the Secret Invasion crossover.
But at the minute it’s kind of heard to think any of the team are Skrull, they’ve passed two Doctor Strange tests now and Bendis made fun of the idea of “Sleeper Skrulls” in this issue so that can’t happen.
So who do I think is a Skrull in New Avengers now?
No one suspects him but he’s in a position where he could screw with one of the top teams and many of the top players in the Marvel Universe. I bet he drugs the tea.
All I know is that this "POMG someone iz teh Skrull" hype better pay off, or I'm kabonging people (see: Bendis) with a tank (yes, I will be so enraged as to actually pick up a tank by the canon and whip it at 'people' [Bendis]). x_0
I'm with you Chase. I'm sick of being promised payoff and not getting it... the sad part is though I never learn and always get excited.
I love I've kept my enthusiasm for the hobby and haven't become as bitter as some readers but at the same time, my wallet would be alot heavier if I didn't also think "OMG! Best event ever... I better buy them all".
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