Monday, 3 September 2007

If an X-Man dies in space, do the fans make a sound?

Perhaps Blindfold saying someone was going to die months ago softened the blow. Perhaps the cover of a limp Cyclops body in space gave it away. Or perhaps its because no one, including Marvel staff can seem to decide if this story takes place months ago, and therefore we know the death is reconed!

Really, doesn’t anybody care that Cyclops died in Astonishing X-Men #22? I mean this the leader of the fricken’ X-Men. He bites the big one and people just don’t care about it. This is one of those things that should have been spoiled for me, I shouldn’t have been able to check my emails without friends letting it slip.

The only reason I can find for why no one cares is because of Astonishing X-Men’s biggest problem, that of delays.

With the impossible task of placing this in continuity people are just assuming that he’ll be back before the end of Whedon’s run with #24. But is he? The answer of where Astonishing takes place changes every week and it only gets more confusing as the X-Verse around it continues to change. Everyone seems to have a different answer to if this takes place before Messiah Complex or after. Not to mention the fact if the last three issues of the book had come out on time he would of appeared in Cable and Deadpool and New X-Men after his apparent death.

If it’s before then I can see why no one seems to care because he’ll be back in 2 issues. If it’s after then Marvel pulled off perhaps the worst death ever.

With comics for the longest time you’ve had fans crying foul because we all know the dead characters will come back, it may take an editorial team change but it’ll happen. You have to really make an effort to get people to respect the death, even if they will never completely believe it. When you confuse people to the point they haven’t got a clue if he’s dead or alive, even though you kill him on the page in front of them you have a problem. A huge problem.

Hell, I’m writing this and I still can’t decide if he’s dead or alive… I bet he’s alive and the big death is Lockheed.

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