I took a risk this week and picked up the Black Canary and Green Arrow Wedding Special. I always feel guilty about not reading more DC and as I have a few extra £’s I figured I’d take a shot on this and the new creative team on JLA.
Now, this issue was a comic book cliché. Everyone was in costume and it ended in a super villain fight. Now we’ve seen this a lot and no one really adds anything new to the formula. All you can really hope for is that it is written well and the art is good. This had both and I loved it!
I love Amanda Conner’s art. It is so slick and curvy. It has a touch of old school too it and the women just look beautiful. There is a particular scene where Green Arrow and Black Canary tear each other’s clothes off for a bit of slap and tickle before Black Canary decides she wants to wait until the wedding. Green Arrow is a bit disappointed to say the least. Now this wouldn’t work for the reader if you couldn’t see why Green Arrow is attracted to Black Canary.
There are very few artists who I think draw beautiful women. Frank Cho is the best in my opinion and Terry Dodson is arguably up there. I’d put Amanda Conner up there as well. She is very talented, I would love to see her tackle these two characters again.

Judd Winick wrote the book and he made me fall in love with the characters as well. I have always liked the Green Arrow; he’s a fun character so I came in mostly because of his name. He was my insurance, if the story blew atleast there might be a Green Arrow gag or two. Obviously I knew of Black Canary and had seen her around but she mostly appeared for a page or two and had very little characterisation. With this issue though she became a person and a person I really liked. I don't know what it is but other last 10 years or so, women characters in comics have really taken a step up. They get alot more respect then they used to even in the 90's.
As a couple, I got a sense of a love/hate type relationship. They are fuelled on adrenaline due to their careers as superheroes and are never more attracted to each other then when they are trading insults and yelling at each other. It's not a new concept, we see it on TV all the time but here it really works. It makes for a very interesting read.
Oh and the cliffhanger? Wow!
Even if I don’t keep up with JLA, I’m there for the Black Canary and Green Arrow ongoing. I can’t wait!
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