Thursday, 20 September 2007

My Claim to Fame

This is perhaps the saddest blog you will ever see, so bookmark it... this is history in the making.

I knew something Dan "Brain of the Marvel Universe" Slott didn't!

Click to enlarge, Orignal Topic Here

Yes, I am that sad that I'm posting this. This is the result of a slow comic week, Slott's reputation and my need to inflate my ego.

Really it gives me the chance to bring Slott up and tell everyone to go out and pick up Avengers: The Initiative and Amazing Spider-Man. Also I get to thank him for a great run on She Hulk. The only reason I picked up this book was because of talking to Slott online. He's a very talented writer and he's only getting better.


Anonymous said...

Nice work. All I've ever done is get Slott pissed at me for asserting that he doesn't know the difference between a car bomb and an IED.

Crimbo said...

I'm assuming you're not a big Slott fan.

Man it's slow for discussion this week. Shame I don't get my comics for another week.

Unknown said...

I actually like Slott quite a bit. I've been much too slow jumping on the She-Hulk bandwagon. I just didn't enjoy The Initiative quite as much as some of his other stuff.

Chase said...

I really did enjoy Slott's run of She-Hulk, and like bits and pieces of The Initiative. I am definitely interested to see how this Brand New Day (three issues a month) premise works out.